Sunday, March 29, 2009

hey. i just got back from texas for a family wedding.... oh & my b-day is friday. well anyways..... i'll post l8er. im doin something soo bye for now

Sunday, March 22, 2009

omg! has anyone seen Twilight? i love it! i just finished watching it. its the best movie i EVER saw!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

oh.. remember michael??? i put pics of him.. well me & him just we just went on the trampoline with water & soap. michaela didnt want to get wet though... oh & you know how michaela was going to hurt jake?!?!?!? hes not home!!!!! were so mad!!!!!!but then thats when michael came over.. so now were here... & well now i think they might be home. michael & michaela want to do stuff on the computer so bye for now!!!
ok...remember Jake...the one that Michaela talks about on her blog??? well, if u dont he chased me with lit sparklers & he tried to shoot me. But anyway, i tried to get my dog, Buddy to bite him or scratch him but Jake went inside before i could get him to. he probably wouldnt have done it anyway. But the good news is Michaela can hurt him & hes scared of her! so im glad for Michaela. & Michaela's mom thinks he likes Michaela. She hopes not. i hope not... now Michaela is wondering if hes awake..... oh i forgot to say...michaela is over here.. i meant to say that earlier..but..umm its kinda late but....its 2:55am. were staying up all night...were too hypeer too go to sleep...tomarrow michaelas gonna hurt jake& michael.. u might not know him..hes another neighbor. but anywayy..keep checking my blog for more...theres always something happening!

Friday, March 20, 2009

waffles; a picture by michaela :)

This is what Michaela did on the document paint... if u didnt get to c it yet on her blogg.... shes an artist huh!?!?!?!?

My big sis & her boyfriend...she and him are.........
well, im going to tell you about myself...
My name is Jenna;
I reside in Louisiana; I have 2 sisters; Katherine [3 years old] and Joan [15] .
If you know Michaela, She speaks of me in her blogs sometimes. xD
Well, I must go :)