Saturday, May 30, 2009

this is my sisters room is it pretty??:)

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this is something michaela made!haha she might kill me for doin this or not...:?

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hey sorry i havnt been on in a while:( ive had a
lot of
things going on well my sister just came back from a water park
texas... and
she rode rollercoasters.ive been at my friend
house and
i had another
friend sleepove a few days
than that weve
been like doin a
lot of
things like
goin to the grocery
store and houma and
stuff like i
guess i
just never had the time
so here i am well
go keep the comments

Monday, May 4, 2009

hey! my sisters topcat friends are over. if u dont know wat topcats are they r the dance team so their making dances so they can try out again. so later. BYE!!!! oh and my head hurts cuz the music is too loud well byebye

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey waz up people?!?!?! paytons over again... sooooooooooo well we r bored so we r gonna jump on the trampoline soo bye-bye!!!