Friday, December 25, 2009


dudessssssssssss!!!!!!!!!guess what!!?? i got a new laptop!! for christmas!! oh by the way, MERRY CHRISTMAS!! i kinda forgot that oopss... oh well ooohhh my laptop is limegreen or jade green same's dell its pretty good my sister got one too in ice blue or something like that... yeah first it wasnt working good but i figured it out actually im o it right now well duh what else what i be on?? well i could be on my computer the other one...not the laptop well im getting off topic like i am always anyway...well the main subject is that i got a laptop and merry christmas!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 25, 2009

guesss what?!?!?!

omg just went to mitchel musso concert!! last night it was awesome i got autographs by ksm, jimmy robins, and the guy in mitchel musso's band thaat plays guitar! i was in the front row!! now i love him! ill post a video later!! byeeeee sorry i havent been on in like ever haha

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Monday, June 15, 2009

Saturday, May 30, 2009

this is my sisters room is it pretty??:)

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this is something michaela made!haha she might kill me for doin this or not...:?

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hey sorry i havnt been on in a while:( ive had a
lot of
things going on well my sister just came back from a water park
texas... and
she rode rollercoasters.ive been at my friend
house and
i had another
friend sleepove a few days
than that weve
been like doin a
lot of
things like
goin to the grocery
store and houma and
stuff like i
guess i
just never had the time
so here i am well
go keep the comments

Monday, May 4, 2009

hey! my sisters topcat friends are over. if u dont know wat topcats are they r the dance team so their making dances so they can try out again. so later. BYE!!!! oh and my head hurts cuz the music is too loud well byebye

Friday, May 1, 2009

Hey waz up people?!?!?! paytons over again... sooooooooooo well we r bored so we r gonna jump on the trampoline soo bye-bye!!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

heyy yall!!!=] what have yall been doin?!?!?!?!? soo....dont really have anything to say but..........anyways......american idol comes on and we always watch every tues. and wed. i dont know y i just said that i guess im bored and so random...ohhhhh speaking about wich do yall watch that???hahaha....:)- ohh and about american idol...i dont know y we watch that every time it comes on:) if u have windows live messenger plz join and talk to me im!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

sooo long!!!!!!!!

hey omg i havnt been on here 4 so long well anyways i just wanted 2 soo happy school is almost over! cant wait. well ill talk later bye people!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

my sister got her permit

guess what?? my sister got her permit! she tested yesterday and today. well just saying.. bye!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

jonas tix

hey its late but i have my friend over... payton. i havent talked about her..but well yeah shes my friend. so i know i havent posted anything in a while.. oh!! guess what!!! i might be getting jonas brothers tix for new orleans on Joe's B-Day!!(august 15)!!:)- im so happy!! well... we were looking for tix for someone my sister wanted to see so then i saw jonas brothers for new orleans and started crying! really!!! i really hope we can get some!! they cost about $300 for 1 ticket! yeah.. soo .. oh and dont make fun of me cuz i cried!! i love them!!!!!!!!!!!!<3<3

Sunday, April 12, 2009

HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

hey. i just got back from texas for a family wedding.... oh & my b-day is friday. well anyways..... i'll post l8er. im doin something soo bye for now

Sunday, March 22, 2009

omg! has anyone seen Twilight? i love it! i just finished watching it. its the best movie i EVER saw!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

oh.. remember michael??? i put pics of him.. well me & him just we just went on the trampoline with water & soap. michaela didnt want to get wet though... oh & you know how michaela was going to hurt jake?!?!?!? hes not home!!!!! were so mad!!!!!!but then thats when michael came over.. so now were here... & well now i think they might be home. michael & michaela want to do stuff on the computer so bye for now!!!
ok...remember Jake...the one that Michaela talks about on her blog??? well, if u dont he chased me with lit sparklers & he tried to shoot me. But anyway, i tried to get my dog, Buddy to bite him or scratch him but Jake went inside before i could get him to. he probably wouldnt have done it anyway. But the good news is Michaela can hurt him & hes scared of her! so im glad for Michaela. & Michaela's mom thinks he likes Michaela. She hopes not. i hope not... now Michaela is wondering if hes awake..... oh i forgot to say...michaela is over here.. i meant to say that earlier..but..umm its kinda late but....its 2:55am. were staying up all night...were too hypeer too go to sleep...tomarrow michaelas gonna hurt jake& michael.. u might not know him..hes another neighbor. but anywayy..keep checking my blog for more...theres always something happening!

Friday, March 20, 2009

waffles; a picture by michaela :)

This is what Michaela did on the document paint... if u didnt get to c it yet on her blogg.... shes an artist huh!?!?!?!?

My big sis & her boyfriend...she and him are.........
well, im going to tell you about myself...
My name is Jenna;
I reside in Louisiana; I have 2 sisters; Katherine [3 years old] and Joan [15] .
If you know Michaela, She speaks of me in her blogs sometimes. xD
Well, I must go :)